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AECDAILY RG EN 188301 0624:2025 Edition


Contemporary Wood-Burning Fireplaces, Inserts, and Stoves

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AECDAILY 2025 69
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PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Slide 1
2 Slide 2: Contemporary Wood-Burning Fireplaces, Inserts, and Stoves
3 Slide 3
4 Slide 4
5 Slide 5: How to Use This Online Learning Course
6 Slide 6: Purpose and Learning Objectives
7 Slide 7: Contents
8 Slide 8: Why Choose a Fireplace?
9 Slide 9: Why Choose a Fireplace?
10 Slide 10: Wood as a Fuel Source
11 Slide 11: Cost/Affordability
12 Slide 12: Effort
13 Slide 13: Maintenance
14 Slide 14: Environmental Efficiency
15 Slide 15: Flame Experience
16 Slide 16: Heat Production
17 Slide 17: Installation Flexibility
18 Slide 18: Electricity Requirement
19 Slide 19: Wood-Burning Fireplaces, Inserts, and Stoves
20 Slide 20: Contemporary Wood-Burning Fireplaces
21 Slide 21: Wood-Burning Fireplace Inserts
22 Slide 22: Wood Stoves
23 Slide 23: Classification of Wood-Burning Fireplaces: EPA Certified
24 Slide 24: Classification of Wood-Burning Fireplaces: Decorative
25 Slide 25: Types of Wood-Burning Technology
26 Slide 26: Two-Stage Noncatalytic Technology
27 Slide 27: Two-Stage Catalytic Technology
28 Slide 28: Three-Stage Hybrid Catalytic Technology
29 Slide 29: Comparison of Hybrid Catalytic vs. Noncatalytic Wood Stoves
30 Slide 30: Cost of Operation
31 Slide 31: Cost of Operation
32 Slide 32: Review Question
33 Slide 33: Answer
34 Slide 34: Fireplace Design and Specification
35 Slide 35: Location
36 Slide 36: Location
37 Slide 37: Chimney System
38 Slide 38: General Installation
39 Slide 39: Sizing
40 Slide 40: Heating Capacity
41 Slide 41: Air-Wash System Technology
42 Slide 42: Blowers
43 Slide 43: Installation
44 Slide 44: Review Question
45 Slide 45: Answer
46 Slide 46: Burn Times
47 Slide 47: Burn Times
48 Slide 48: How Burn Times Work
49 Slide 49: Factors Affecting Burn Time
50 Slide 50: Factors Affecting Burn Time
51 Slide 51: How to Increase Burn Time
52 Slide 52: Efficient and Safe Operation
53 Slide 53: Properly Seasoned Wood
54 Slide 54: Properly Seasoned Wood
55 Slide 55: Wood Species
56 Slide 56: Wood Species
57 Slide 57: Wood Species
58 Slide 58: Wood Species
59 Slide 59: Log Size
60 Slide 60: Maintenance and Cleaning
61 Slide 61: Review Question
62 Slide 62: Answer
63 Slide 63: EPA Certifications and Testing
64 Slide 64: EPA Certifications and Testing
65 Slide 65: EPA Certifications and Standards
66 Slide 66: How Wood-Burning Fireplace, Insert, and Stove Testing Works
67 Slide 67: Resources
68 Slide 68: Resources
69 Slide 69: Thank You
AECDAILY RG EN 188301 0624