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BSI PD CEN/TS 17275:2018:2019 Edition


Nanotechnologies. Guidelines for the management and disposal of waste from the manufacturing and processing of manufactured nano-objects

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2019 62
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This document provides guidelines for all waste management activities from the manufacturing and processing of manufactured nano-objects. The guidelines apply to all actors in the waste management chain, namely MNO manufacturers, MNO modifiers, as well as waste disposal companies and carriers and consignees of WMP-MNOs. This document does not intend to provide guidelines on the management and disposal of nanocomposites, waste derived from consumer products containing nano-objects or waste containing only naturally occurring or incidental nano-objects. Also excluded from the scope are any waste from non-nanoscale materials resulting from the manufacturing and processing of MNOs.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
6 European foreword
7 Introduction
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Nanotechnologies general terms
11 3.2 Waste general terms
12 3.3 Waste management terms
13 3.4 Waste treatment terms
14 3.5 Waste analysis terms
3.6 Health and safety general terms
15 4 Abbreviations
16 5 Regulatory framework
6 General environmental and waste management
6.1 General
6.2 General environmental management
17 6.3 General principles for management of WMP-MNOs
6.4 Waste management hierarchy
18 6.5 Waste prevention
19 6.6 Re-use and recycling
7 Risk assessment and management
20 8 Waste tracking
9 Classification of waste
23 10 Pre-disposal procedures of WMP-MNOs by companies producing and processing MNOs
10.1 General
10.2 Segregation before disposal
10.3 Safe handling practices for the disposal of waste and preparation for disposal
10.3.1 General
10.3.2 Packaging and handling
24 10.3.3 Labelling
10.3.4 Safety control measures
25 10.3.5 Personal Protective Equipment
10.4 Duty of care
26 11 Transport and storage of WMP-MNOs
27 12 Selection of disposal and treatment routes for WMP-MNOs
28 12.1 Pre-treatment of WMP-MNOs before disposal
12.1.1 General
29 12.1.2 MNO in powder form / solid waste containing MNO
12.1.3 Liquid containing MNOs
31 12.2 Which type of disposal and treatment for which MNOs (incineration and landfill disposal)?
12.2.1 General
12.2.2 Liquid dispersion containing MNOs
32 12.2.3 MNO in powder form / solid waste containing MNO
35 12.2.4 Contaminated item
36 13 Management of WMP-MNOs during waste disposal
13.1 General
13.2 Incineration plant
38 13.3 Landfill disposal plant
13.3.1 General
40 13.4 Sewage treatment plant and disposal to drains
13.4.1 General
41 13.4.2 Surface water — Chemical Status
13.4.3 Groundwater — Chemical status
13.4.4 Disposal of WMP-MNOs to drain
42 14 Accident management plan
44 Annex A (informative) European legislation including the treaty, relevant for waste
49 Annex B (informative) Tools for source reduction of production waste
54 Annex C (informative) CLP hazard classes and categories
56 Annex D (informative) Indication of applicability of 850 ˚C and 1 100 ˚C incineration processes for MNOs
58 Bibliography
BSI PD CEN/TS 17275:2018