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ASCE 59 2011


ASCE 59 Blast Protection of Buildings

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ASCE 2011 125
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
18 1 General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
20 1.3 Symbols and Notation
21 1.4 Qualifications
1.5 Information Sensitivity
1.6 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
22 2 Design Considerations
2.1 Scope
2.2 Risk Assessment
2.2.1 Consequence Analysis
2.2.2 Threat Analysis
2.2.3 Vulnerability Analysis
2.2.4 Risk Analysis
2.3 Risk Reduction
2.3.1 Consequence Reduction
2.3.2 Threat Reduction
23 2.4 Risk Acceptance
24 3 Performance Criteria
3.1 Scope
3.2 Design Objectives
3.2.1 Limit Structural Collapse
3.2.2 Maintain Building Envelope
3.2.3 Minimize Flying Debris
3.3 Levels of Protection
3.3.1 Structural Damage
3.3.2 Element Damage
3.3.3 Glazing Behavior
3.3.4 Door Behavior
25 3.4 Response Limits
3.4.1 Flexural Elements
3.4.2 Compression Elements
3.5 Element Strength
3.5.1 Strength Increase Factors
3.5.2 Strength Reduction Factors
3.5.3 Remaining Strength
3.6 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
30 4 Blast Loads
4.1 General
4.1.1 Scope
4.1.2 Permitted Procedures
4.2 Basic Procedure for External Blast
4.2.1 Scope
4.2.2 Directly Loaded Surfaces
4.2.3 Indirectly Loaded Surfaces
36 4.3 Basic Procedure for Internal Blast
4.3.1 Scope
4.3.2 Procedure
4.4 Other Procedures
38 5 Fragmentation
5.1 General
5.1.1 Scope
5.2 Design Requirements
5.3 Analytical Procedures
5.3.1 Acceptable Analytical Methods
5.3.2 Limits on Analytical Procedures
5.3.3 Complex Modeling Methods
40 6 Structural Systems
6.1 General Provisions
6.1.1 Purpose
6.1.2 Scope and Application
6.2 Structural Modeling and Analysis
6.2.1 Analytical Methods
6.2.2 Materials
41 6.2.3 Modeling of Elements
42 6.2.4 Connections and Joints
6.2.5 Application of Loads
43 6.2.6 Mass
6.3 Structural Design
6.3.1 Structural Systems
6.4 Response Characteristics
6.4.1 Close-In Effects
44 6.4.2 Far-Range Effects
6.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
46 7 Protection of Spaces
7.1 General Provisions
7.2 Walls and Slabs Isolating Internal Threats
7.2.1 Scope
7.2.2 Threat Locations for Buildings with Controlled Access
7.2.3 Design Provisions for Walls and Slabs Isolating Internal Threats
7.2.4 Stairwell Enclosures
7.2.5 Hardened Plenums
7.3 Safe Havens
7.3.1 Design Considerations
7.3.2 Applicable Loads and Performance
47 7.3.3 Resistance to Progressive Collapse
7.3.4 Location within Building
7.3.5 Accessibility to Egress
7.3.6 Fire Rating
7.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
48 8 Exterior Envelope
8.1 Design Intent
8.1.1 General
8.2 Design Procedures
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Response Criteria
8.2.3 Analytical Methods
8.2.4 Balanced Design
8.2.5 Flying Fragments
8.3 Fenestration
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Blast-Mitigating Window Systems
49 8.3.3 Curtain Wall Systems
8.3.4 Skylights
8.3.5 Operable Windows
8.3.6 Doors
8.4 Non-Load-Bearing Exterior Walls
8.4.1 General
50 8.4.2 Cast-in-Place, Precast, and Tilt-Up Concrete Walls
8.4.3 Pretensioned and Posttensioned Concrete Wall Panels
8.4.4 Masonry Walls
8.4.5 Steel Wall Systems
8.4.6 Other Wall Systems
8.5 Roof Systems
8.5.1 General
8.5.2 Flat Slabs
8.5.3 Metal Deck
8.5.4 Composite Construction
8.5.5 Steel Joists and Joist Girders
8.5.6 Other Roof Systems
8.6 Other Exterior Envelope Elements
8.7 Hazard-Mitigating Retrofits
8.7.1 General
51 8.7.2 Security Window Films
8.7.3 Blast Curtains
8.7.4 Catch Bar Systems
8.7.5 Secondary Window System
8.7.6 Window Replacement
8.7.7 Geotextile Fabrics
8.7.8 Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
8.7.9 Secondary Wall System
8.7.10 Other Retrofits
8.8 Amplification and Reduction of Blast Loads
8.8.1 Building Shape and Site
8.8.2 Venting
8.9 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
52 9 Materials Detailing
9.1 General
9.1.1 Scope
9.1.2 Structural Interaction
9.1.3 Materials
9.1.4 Detailing
9.1.5 Controlling Loads
9.1.6 Achieving Design Intent
9.1.7 Use of Reference Documents
9.1.8 Special Inspection
9.2 Concrete
9.2.1 Scope
9.2.2 General Reinforced Concrete Detailing Requirements
9.2.3 Columns
53 9.2.4 Beams
9.2.5 Beam-Column Joints
9.2.6 Slabs
54 9.2.7 Walls
9.2.8 Tension Ties
9.3 Structural Steel
9.3.1 Scope
9.3.2 General Structural Steel Requirements
9.4 Steel/Concrete Composite
9.4.1 Scope
9.4.2 Concrete Slab on Metal Deck
9.5 Masonry
9.5.1 Scope
55 9.5.2 General Design Requirements
9.5.3 General Material Requirements
9.5.4 General Detailing Requirements
9.5.5 Walls
9.6 Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Materials
9.6.1 Scope
9.6.2 Strength Increase Factors
56 9.6.3 General
9.6.4 FRP Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs
9.6.5 FRP Strengthened Masonry Walls
9.6.6 FRP Concrete Column Confinement Requirements and Limitations
9.6.7 FRP Solid Sections
9.7 Other Materials
9.7.1 Aluminum
9.7.2 Wood
9.7.3 Cold-Formed Steel Framing
9.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
58 10 Performance Qualification
10.1 Scope
10.2 Peer Review
10.3 Site Perimeter Components
10.3.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
10.3.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
10.4 Building Structural Components
10.4.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
59 10.4.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
10.5 Shielding Structures
10.5.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
10.5.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
10.6 Building Façade Components
10.6.1 Glazing and Glazing Systems
60 10.6.2 Doors
61 10.7 Building Nonstructural Components
10.7.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
10.7.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
10.8 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents
64 C1 General
C1.1 Scope
C1.4 Qualifications
66 C2 Design Considerations
C2.1 Scope
C2.2 Risk Assessment
C2.2.1 Consequence Analysis
C2.2.2 Threat Analysis
67 C2.2.3 Vulnerability Analysis
C2.2.4 Risk Analysis
C2.3 Risk Reduction
C2.3.1 Consequence Reduction
C2.3.2 Threat Reduction
70 C2.4 Risk Acceptance
72 C3 Performance Criteria
C3.2 Design Objectives
C3.2.1 Limit Structural Collapse
C3.2.2 Maintain Building Envelope
C3.2.3 Minimize Flying Debris
73 C3.3 Levels of Protection
C3.3.1 Structural Damage
C3.3.2 Element Damage
C3.4 Response Limits
C3.4.1 Flexural Elements
76 C3.4.2 Compression Elements
77 C3.5 Element Strength
C3.5.1 Strength Increase Factors
C3.5.2 Strength Reduction Factors
78 C3.5.3 Remaining Strength
80 C4 Blast Loads
C4.1 General
C4.2 Basic Procedure for External Blast
C4.2.1 Scope
C4.2.2 Directly Loaded Surfaces
C4.2.3 Indirectly Loaded Surfaces
C4.3 Basic Procedure for Internal Blast
C4.4 Other Procedures
82 C5 Fragmentation
C5.1 General
C5.1.1 Scope
C5.2 Design Requirements
C5.2.1 Design Requirements
C5.3 Analytical Procedures
C5.3.1 Acceptable Analytical Methods
86 C5.3.2 Limits on Analytical Procedures
87 C5.3.3 Complex Modeling Methods
88 C6 Structural Systems
C6.1 General Provisions
C6.1.1 Purpose
C6.1.2 Scope and Application
89 C6.2 Structural Modeling and Analysis
C6.2.1 Analytical Methods
91 C6.2.2 Materials
C6.2.3 Modeling of Elements
94 C6.2.4 Connections and Joints
95 C6.2.6 Mass
C6.3 Structural Design
C6.3.1 Structural Systems
96 C6.4 Response Characteristics
C6.4.1 Close-In Effects
97 C6.4.2 Far-Range Effects
98 C7 Protection of Spaces
C7.2 Walls and Slabs Isolating Internal Threats
C7.2.3 Design Provisions for Walls and Slabs Isolating Internal Threats
C7.2.4 Stairwell Enclosures
C7.3 Safe Havens
C7.3.1 Design Considerations
C7.3.2 Applicable Loads and Performance
99 C7.3.4 Location within Building
100 C8 Exterior Envelope
C8.1 Design Intent
C8.2 Design Procedures
C8.2.1 General
C8.2.2 Response Criteria
C8.2.3 Analytical Methods
101 C8.2.4 Balanced Design
102 C8.2.5 Flying Fragments
C8.3 Fenestration
C8.3.1 General
C8.3.2 Blast-Mitigating Window Systems
106 C8.3.3 Curtain Wall Systems
C8.3.4 Skylights
C8.3.5 Operable Windows
C8.3.6 Doors
108 C8.4 Non-Load-Bearing Exterior Walls
C8.4.1 General
C8.4.2 Cast-in Place, Precast, and Tilt-Up Concrete Walls
C8.4.3 Pretensioned and Posttensioned Concrete Wall Panels
C8.4.4 Masonry Walls
C8.4.5 Steel Wall Systems
C8.5 Roof Systems
C8.7 Hazard-Mitigating Retrofits
C8.7.2 Security Window Films
109 C8.7.5 Secondary Window Systems
C8.7.8 Fiber-Reinforced Polymers
C8.8 Amplification and Reduction of Blast Loads
C8.8.1 Building Shape and Site
C8.8.2 Venting
112 C9 Materials Detailing
C9.1.1 Scope
C9.1.2 Structural Interaction
C9.1.3 Materials
C9.1.7 Use of Reference Documents
C9.1.8 Special Inspection
C9.2 Concrete
C9.2.1 Scope
C9.2.2 General Reinforced Concrete Detailing Requirements
113 C9.2.3 Columns
C9.2.4 Beams
114 C9.2.5 Beam-Column Joints
C9.2.6 Slabs
C9.2.7 Walls
C9.2.8 Tension Ties
C9.3 Structural Steel
C9.3.1 Scope
C9.3.2 General Structural Steel Requirements
115 C9.4 Steel/Concrete Composite
C9.4.1 Scope
C9.4.2 Concrete Slab on Metal Deck
C9.5 Masonry
C9.5.1 Scope
116 C9.5.2 General Design Requirements
C9.6 Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Materials
C9.6.1 Scope
117 C9.6.3 General
C9.6.4 FRP-Strengthened, Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs
118 C9.6.5 FRP Strengthened Masonry Walls
C9.6.6 FRP Concrete Column Confinement Requirements and Limitations
C9.6.7 FRP Solid Sections
119 C9.7 Other Materials
C9.7.1 Aluminum
C9.7.3 Cold-Formed Steel Framing
120 C10 Performance Qualification
C10.1 Scope
C10.2 Peer Review
C10.3 Site Perimeter Components
C10.3.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
C10.3.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
C10.4 Building Structural Components
C10.4.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
121 C10.5 Shielding Structures
C10.5.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing
C10.5.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
C10.6 Building Façade Components
C10.6.1 Glazing and Glazing Systems
C10.6.2 Doors
C10.7 Building Nonstructural Components
C10.7.1 Performance Qualification by Full-Scale Testing.
C10.7.2 Performance Qualification by Analysis and Design
125 T
ASCE 59 2011