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BS 1881-210:2013


Testing hardened concrete – Determination of the potential carbonation resistance of concrete. Accelerated carbonation method

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BSI 2013 22
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ThispartofBS1881describesamethodforrankingthepotentialcarbonation resistanceofconcreteusinganacceleratedcarbonationtest.

NOTE 1 This test is an accelerated test because there is exposure to much higher than atmospheric levels of CO2 and is at a relative humidity conducive to a maximum rate of carbonation.

NOTE 2 The test under reference conditions takes a minimum of 112 days comprising a minimum age of the specimen prior to conditioning of 28 days, a minimum conditioning period of 14 days and a minimum exposure to increased CO2 levels of 70 days.

NOTE 3 The use of such test data in service-life modelling is still a matter of much academic debate and at present there is no consensus on an appropriate model.

Itisnotamethodforthedeterminationofcarbonationdepthsinexisting concretestructures.

BS 1881-210:2013