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BSI 17/30356883 DC:2017 Edition


BS EN 61000-4-3. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 4-3. Testing and measurement techniques. Radiated, radiofrequency, electromagnetic field immunity test

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BSI 2017 86
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PDF Pages PDF Title
11 1 Scope and object
2 Normative references
12 3 Terms and definitions
3.1 amplitude modulation
3.2 anechoic chamber
3.2.1 fully anechoic chamber
3.2.2 semi-anechoic chamber
3.2.3 modified semi-anechoic chamber
3.3 antenna
3.4 balun
3.6 continuous waves (CW)
3.7 electromagnetic (EM) wave
3.8 far field
13 3.9 field strength
3.10 frequency band
3.11 full illumination method
3.12 human body-mounted equipment
3.13 independent windows method
3.14 induction field (region)
3.15 intentional RF emitting device
3.16 isotropic
3.17 maximum RMS value
3.18 non-constant envelope modulation
14 3.19 partial illumination method
3.20 polarization
3.22 shielded enclosure
3.23 sweep
3.24 transceiver
3.26 uniform field area (UFA)
4 General
15 5 Test levels and frequency ranges
5.1 Selection of test level
16 5.2 Test frequency ranges
17 6 Test equipment
6.1 Test instrumentation
6.2 Description of the test facility
19 6.3 Uniform Field Area (UFA)
6.3.1 Characteristics of the UFA
24 6.3.2 Constant field strength level setting method
25 6.3.3 Constant power level setting method
26 6.3.4 Independent Windows Method
28 7 Test setup
7.1 Arrangement of table-top equipment
29 7.2 Arrangement of floor-standing equipment
7.3 Arrangement of wiring
34 7.4 Arrangement of human body-mounted equipment
8 Test procedure
8.1 Laboratory reference conditions
35 8.1.1 Climatic conditions
8.1.2 Electromagnetic conditions
8.2 Execution of the test
36 9 Evaluation of test results
37 10 Test report
38 Annex A (informative) Rationale for the choice of modulation for tests related to the protection against RF emissions from digital radio services
A.1 Summary of available modulation methods
40 A.2 Experimental results
42 A.3 Secondary modulation effects
A.4 Broadband Signal effects
A.5 Conclusion
43 Annex B (informative) Field generating antennas
B.1 Biconical antenna
B.2 Log-periodic antenna
B.3 Combination antennas
B.4 Horn antenna and double ridge wave guide antenna
44 Annex C (informative) Use of anechoic chambers
C.1 General anechoic chamber information
C.2 Use of ferrite lined chambers at frequencies above 1 GHz
C.2.1 Problems caused by the use of ferrite-lined chambers for radiated field immunity tests at frequencies above 1 GHz
45 C.2.2 Solutions to reduce reflections
46 Annex D (Informative) Amplifier compression and non-linearity
D.1 Objective of limiting amplifier distortion
D.2 Possible problems caused by harmonics and saturation
D.3 Limiting the harmonic content in the field
47 D.4 Effect of linearity characteristic on the immunity test
D.4.1 Evaluation method of Linearity characteristic
D.4.1.1 Evaluation level range
48 D.4.1.2 Evaluation process
D.4.1.3 Linearity criteria
50 D.4.1.4 Confirming AM modulation
51 D.4.1.5 Immunity test when Amplifier linearity characteristic exceeds the criteria.
52 Annex E (informative) Guidance for product committees on the selection of test levels
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Test levels related to general purposes
53 E.3 Test levels related to the protection against RF emissions from digital radio telephones
54 E.4 Special measures for fixed transmitters
55 Annex F (informative) Selection of test methods
F.1 Selection of a suitable test method
56 Annex G (Informative) Cable layout details
G.1 Intentions of EUT setup for radiated immunity test
The intention of the field exposure.
G.1.1 One meter of cable in the field
G.1.2 A 0,25 m deep cable routing zone
57 G.1.3 The dipole effect of numerous cables
G.1.4 Cables leaving the test area
G.1.5 Use of cable terminations
58 G.1.6 Turning the EUT cabinets
59 Annex H (Informative)
H.1 EUTs with bottom fed cables
60 H.2 EUTs with overhead cables
61 H.3 EUTs with the multiple cables and AEs
62 H.4 Large EUTs with the side fed cables and multiple UFA windows
63 Annex I (Informative)
I.1 General
I.2 Intermodulation
64 I.3 Power Requirements
65 I.4 Level setting requirements
I.5 Linearity and harmonics checks
I.6 EUT performance criteria with multiple signals
66 Annex J (informative) Calibration method for E-field probes
J.1 Overview
J.2 Probe calibration requirements
J.2.1 General
J.2.2 Calibration frequency range
J.2.3 Frequency steps
67 J.2.4 Field strength
68 J.3 Requirements for calibration instrumentation
J.3.1 Harmonics and spurious signals
J.3.2 Linearity check for probe
70 J.3.3 Determination of the gain of the standard horn antennas
J.4 Field probe calibration in anechoic chambers
J.4.1 Calibration environments
J.4.2 Validation of anechoic chambers for field probe calibration
71 J.4.2.1 Measuring net power to a transmitting device using directional couplers
72 J.4.2.2 Establishing a standard field using horn antennas
J.4.2.3 Chamber validation test frequency range and frequency steps
J.4.2.4 Chamber validation procedure
73 J.4.2.5 VSWR acceptance criteria
74 J.4.2.6 Probe fixture validation
75 J.4.2.7 Alternative chamber validation procedure
76 J.4.3 Probe calibration procedure
77 J.4.3.1 Probe calibration setup
78 J.4.3.2 Calibration report
J.5 Other probe calibration environments and methods
J.5.1 Field probe calibration using TEM cells
79 J.5.2 Field probe calibration using waveguide chambers
80 J.5.3 Field probe calibration using open-ended waveguides
J.5.4 Calibration of field probes by gain transfer method
J.6 Reference documents
82 Annex K (informative) Measurement uncertainty due to test instrumentation
K.1 General
K.2 Uncertainty budgets for level setting
K.2.1 Definition of the measurand
K.2.2 MU contributors of the measurand
83 K.2.3 Calculation examples for expanded uncertainty
85 K.3 Application
K.4 Reference documents
86 Bibliography
BSI 17/30356883 DC