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PA CumberlandCounty EastPennsboroTownship 5 N/A


East Pennsboro Township, Chapter 22 Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance

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PA N/A 174
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Chapter 22 Land Development
5 Part 1 Applicability, Authority, Title, Purpose
§22-101. Applicability.
§22-102. Short Title.
§22-103. Legal Authority.
§22-104. Purpose.
6 §22-105. Cumberland County Review of Plans.
§22-106. Interpretation.
9 Part 2 Definitions
§22-201. Purpose.
§22-202. Definitions.
27 Part 3 Submission and Plan Processing Procedures
§22-301. Adherence to Procedures Required.
§22-302. Pre-Submission Consultation.
28 §22-303. Sketch Plan (Optional).
§22-304. Pre-Application Conference.
29 §22-305. Minor Plan Procedures and Specifications.
33 §22-306. Preliminary Plan Procedures.
35 §22-307. Preliminary Plan Specifications.
42 §22-308. Final Plan Procedures.
44 §22-309. Final Plan Specifications.
50 §22-310. Electronic Media Required Format.
55 Part 4 Improvement and Maintenance Guarantees
§22-401. General Statement.
§22-402. Financial Security for Improvement Guarantee.
58 §22-403. Inspection of Improvements During Construction.
59 §22-404. Dedication of Improvements.
60 §22-405. Maintenance Guarantee.
§22-406. As-Built Plans.
69 Part 5 Design and Improvement Standards
§22-501. Purpose.
§22-502. General.
§22-503. Site Design.
70 §22-504. Blocks.
71 §22-505. Lots.
72 §22-506. Street System Design and Construction.
81 §22-507. Sidewalks.
82 §22-508. Other Street Designs and Standards.
83 §22-509. Street Signs, Names and Numbering.
§22-510. Street Lights.
§22-511. Driveways and Service Drives.
85 §22-512. Monuments and Markers.
86 §22-513. Water Supply.
88 §22-514. Sewage Service Facilities.
90 §22-515. Fire Hydrants.
91 §22-516. Common Facilities.
93 §22-517. Utilities.
§22-518. Easements (Utility, Stormwater/Sanitary Sewer, Drainage, Conservation, Pedestrian).
94 §22-519. Natural Features Protection.
95 §22-520. Contribution for Recreation Purposes.
§22-521. Time Limitations.
§22-522. Historic Preservation.
111 Part 6 Floodplain Management
§22-601. Purpose.
§22-602. Abrogation and Greater Restriction.
§22-603. Municipal Liability.
§22-604. Application Procedures and Requirements.
§22-605. Design Standards and Improvement in Designated Floodplain Districts.
115 Part 7 Erosion, Sediment Pollution Control and Stormwater Management
§22-701. Purpose.
§22-702. Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan.
116 §22-703. Stormwater Management Plan.
126 §22-704. Clear Water Systems.
127 §22-705. Other Approvals.
128 §22-706. Ownership and Maintenance of Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control and Stormwater Management Facilities.
§22-707. Township Liability.
151 Part 8 Traffic Impact Study
§22-801. Purpose.
§22-802. Applicability.
§22-803. Preparation of the Traffic Impact Study.
§22-804. Study Area Boundaries.
§22-805. Contents.
154 §22-806. Final Report.
155 Part 9 Manufactured/Mobile Home Park Regulations
§22-901. Purpose.
§22-902. Plan Requirements and Processing Procedure.
§22-903. Design Standards and Other Requirements.
158 §22-904. Solid Waste Disposal.
§22-905. Park and Recreation Facilities.
159 §22-906. Improvement and Construction Requirements.
§22-907. Fees and Licenses.
161 §22-908. Inspection of Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks.
162 §22-909. Notices, Hearings, and Orders.
163 §22-910. Manufactured/Mobile Home Placement and Removal.
§22-911. Modification of Requirements.
§22-912. Enforcement, Amendments and Remedies.
165 Part 10 Fees
§22-1001. Filing Fees and Escrow.
§22-1002. Fee Schedule.
166 §22-1003. Engineering Inspection Fees.
§22-1004. Attorney Fees.
§22-1005. Other Fees.
169 Part 11 Modification of Requirements
§22-1101. General Statement.
§22-1102. Application Submission.
§22-1103. Recording of Decision; Approval.
§22-1104. Recording of Decision; Denial.
§22-1105. Appeals.
171 Part 12 Enforcement, Amendments and Remedies
§22-1201. Administration and Enforcement.
§22-1202. Amendments.
172 §22-1203. Remedies and Jurisdiction.
174 §22-1204. Codification Statement.
PA CumberlandCounty EastPennsboroTownship 5 N/A