API PUBL 315-1993
Assessment of Tank Field Dike Lining Materials and Methods
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
API | 1993 | 48 |
This report documents work performed for the American Petroleum Institute (API) by TRI/Environmental, Inc. TRI, an independent contractor, performed an assessment of tankfleld dike lining materials and methods for secondary containment of aboveground petroleum storagefacilities. The work was performed under authorization of a Letter of Agreement from API dated December 19, 1991. The technical information was reviewed by APIās Storage Tank Task Force, as well as staff members from APIās Manufacturing, Distribution and Marketing Department andthe Health and Environmental Affairs Department. APIās Office of General Counsel provided information on federal and selected state requirements for secondary containment at facilities discussed in the report.
The scope of this work included a survey of the current technology base for tankfield dike lining materials and installation methods as well as a review of the current regulatory environment and a survey of candidate materials and installation/construction methods. The scope of the studywas limited to lining materials and methods applicable to the diked area outside the storage tank itself. The study does not cover liner installations for secondary containment underneath tanks.