Provides information on best practice in mailroom safety and security.
This Handbook provides organisations and individuals with information on the range of threats that may affect the mail process, and the steps that should be taken to minimise the effects of such incidents.
Based on a risk management framework, this Handbook provides the reader with the knowledge and tools to develop strategies, policies, procedures and training to enhance mailroom security and thereby protect the people, assets and functions of the organisation.
This Handbook should be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 4360, Risk management, AS 3745, Emergency control organisation and procedures for buildings, structures and workplaces, and HB 167, Security risk management.
The guidance in this Handbook is for mailroom managers, emergency managers, security managers, Chief Wardens (refer to AS 3745, Emergency control organisation and procedures for buildings, structures and workplaces), OHS managers, consultants, mailroom personnel, personal assistants and receptionists and anyone receiving and opening mail.
The Handbook identifies the key risks relating to the protection of the mail process and protection from hazardous mail items and the key risk analysis and risk management considerations.
The Handbook provides guidance on developing policies, procedures and physical measures to protect the organisation from hazardous mail items.
Following the main text is a series of Action Guides providing step-by-step guidelines on how to deal with specific threats.