CSA PLUS 1139 (1st ed. pub. 1998)
Integrated Checklist for Environmental Management Systems and Sustainable Forest Management Systems
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
CSA | 1998 | 149 |
This is the first edition of PLUS 1139, An Integrated Checklist for Environmental Management Systems and Sustainable Forest Management Systems.
This publication provides an integrated series of questions based on the requirements of ISO 14001, Environmental management systems – Specification with guidance for use and CAN/CSA-Z809, A Sustainable Forest Management System: Specifications Document, as well as illustrative and explanatory materials extracted from related standards and guidelines. The checklist is intended for use by a wide variety of organizations that wish to review, in a single process, their procedures for environmental and sustaina ble forest management.
PLUS 1139 is based on auditing checklists developed by QMI, whose valuable contribution is gratefully acknowledged. Particular thanks are due to Peter Johnson, QMI, and Pierre Levac, Levac et Associés, for their contributions to the development of this publication.