Descriptors |
Accident prevention, Alloys, Antistatics, Atmosphere, Belts, Blowing agents, CE marking, Combustion, Constructions, Cutting tools, Danger, Danger zones, Degrees of protection, Design, Drills, Electrical appliances, Electrical equipment, Electrical safety, Electrostatic, Electrostatics, Explosion hazard, Explosion protection, Explosion zone, Explosions, Explosive atmospheres, Fans, Fire, Fire hazards, Fire safety, Fire-damp, Flame-proof, Flames, Flammable atmospheres, Gases, Hazards, Instruments, Lasers, Machines, Marking, Materials, Mechanical engineering, Metals, Mine gas, Mines, Mining, Mining equipment, Mining machine, Occupational safety, Operating conditions, Operating instructions, Pits, Preventive actions, Protection, Protective measures, Radiation, Risk, Risk area, Safety, Safety engineering, Safety of machinery, Safety requirements, Specification (approval), Structural systems, Surface temperatures, Temperature, Testing, Tools, Types, Tyres, Underground, Underground mining, Use, User information, Workplace safety, Propellants, Foaming agents, Distress, Inserts, Mission, Engines, Blowers