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FEMA P 2018SeismicEvalOlderConcreteBuildings 2018


FEMA P-2018, Seismic Eval Older Concrete Buildings

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FEMA 2018 334
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 00-FEMAP-2018_Cover
2 01-FEMA_P-2018_Titlepage
4 02-FEMA_P-2018_Foreword
6 03-FEMA_P-2018_Preface
8 04-FEMA_P-2018_ToC
16 05-FEMA_P-2018_LoF
27 06-FEMA_P-2018_LoT
32 07-FEMA_P-2018_Ch1
1.1 ATC-78 Project Series
34 1.2 Evaluation Methodology
36 1.3 Comparison with ASCE/SEI 41
37 1.4 Policy Implications
40 1.5 Report Organization and Content
42 08-FEMA_P-2018_Ch2
2.1 Scope and Applicability
2.1.1 Applicability
44 2.1.2 Seismic Deficiencies that are not Considered in the Methodology
2.1.3 Buildings with Concrete Components that are not Considered in the Methodology Tilt-Up Buildings
45 Residential Bearing Wall Buildings with Precast Slabs Lift-Slab Buildings
2.2 Overview of the Evaluation Methodology
46 2.2.1 Overview of Key Calculation Procedures
48 2.2.2 Early Identification of Lower Seismic Risk Buildings
2.2.3 Early Identification of Exceptionally High Seismic Risk Buildings
49 2.3 Use of Alternate Analysis Procedures
50 09-FEMA_P-2018_Ch3
3.1 As-Built Information
51 3.2 Site Investigation
3.3 Seismic Hazard
52 3.4 Material Properties
3.4.1 General
3.4.2 Concrete and Reinforcing Steel
3.4.3 Masonry Infill
54 3.5 Condition of Structural Components
3.6 Structural Load Path Requirements
3.6.1 Diaphragm Continuity
55 3.6.2 Concrete Element Interconnectivity
56 3.7 Penthouse and Other Rooftop Structures
57 10-FEMA_P-2018_Ch4
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Axial Loads on Columns and Walls
4.2.1 Expected Gravity Loads
4.2.2 Earthquake Axial Loads
58 4.2.3 Load Combinations
4.3 Component Strength Calculations
4.3.1 General
59 4.3.2 Concrete Column Strength Column Shear Strength
60 Column Flexural Strength Effects of Column Lap Splices on Flexural Strength
4.3.3 Beam-Column Joint Shear Strength
61 4.3.4 Slab-Column Frame Strength and Integrity Requirements
62 4.3.5 Concrete Wall Strength Wall Shear Strength Wall Flexural Strength
4.3.6 Infilled Frame Strength Masonry Infill Panel Strength
64 Infilled Bay Strength
65 4.4 Column Shear Strength Ratio
4.4.1 Column Shear Capacity in a Typical Story
66 4.4.2 Slab-Column Frames
67 11-FEMA_P-2018_Ch5
5.1 Introduction
68 5.2 Classification of Concrete Components
5.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Columns
5.2.2 Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls
69 5.3 Classification of Building Systems
5.3.1 Frame Systems
5.3.2 Frame-Wall Systems
70 5.3.3 Bearing Wall Systems
5.3.4 Infilled Frame Systems
71 5.4 Wall Index and Wall Strength Index
5.4.1 Wall Index
72 5.4.2 Wall Strength Index
5.4.3 Identification of Lower Seismic Risk Buildings using the Wall Strength Index
73 5.5 Effective Yield Strength
5.5.1 Plastic Mechanism Base-Shear Strength for Frames and Walls
81 5.5.2 Plastic Mechanism Base-Shear Strength for Infilled Frame Systems
83 5.5.3 Plastic Mechanism Base-Shear Strength for Mezzanines and Other Configurations
84 5.5.4 Three-Dimensional Considerations
85 5.5.5 Base Shear Ratio
5.6 Effective Fundamental Period
86 5.6.1 Determination of Effective Period by Formula
87 5.6.2 Determination of Effective Period by Structural Analysis
5.7 Global Demand-to-Capacity Ratio
88 5.8 Identification of Lower Seismic Risk Buildings
5.8.1 Essentially Elastic Buildings
5.9 Identification of Exceptionally High Seismic Risk Buildings
5.9.1 Exceptionally Weak Buildings
89 5.9.2 Discontinuous Walls Supported on Columns, Wall Piers, or Girders Vertical Capacity Check on Columns and Wall Piers
90 Girder Vertical Capacity Check
91 5.10 Pounding
5.10.1 Shorter Interfering Building Floors Align Floors Not Aligned
5.10.2 Taller Interfering Building Floors Aligned
92 Floors Not Aligned
93 12-FEMA_P-2018_Ch6
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Identify Critical Stories
94 6.3 Identify Critical Components
6.3.1 Critical Columns
6.3.2 Critical Slab-Column Connections
95 6.3.3 Critical Beam-Column Corner Connections
6.3.4 Discontinuous Columns
6.4 Calculate Global Seismic Drift Demand
96 6.5 Calculate Story Drift Demand
97 6.5.1 Adjustment of Story Drift Demand for P-Delta
98 6.6 Calculate Drift Demands on Critical Components
6.6.1 Adjusted Drift Demand on Critical Components
6.6.2 Torsional Amplification Factor
6.6.3 Drift Factor Drift Factor for Columns
99 Drift Factor for Slab-Column Connections and Beam-Column Corner Connections
6.7 Calculate Drift Capacity of Critical Components
6.7.1 Drift Capacity of Critical Columns
101 6.7.2 Drift Capacity of Critical Slab-Column Connections
102 6.7.3 Drift Capacity of Critical Beam-Column Corner Connections
6.8 Determine Column Ratings
104 6.8.1 Discontinuous Columns
6.9 Determine Story Ratings
106 13-FEMA_P-2018_Ch7
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Identify Critical Stories
107 7.3 Identify Critical Components
7.3.1 Critical Columns Critical Columns Integral with Walls
108 7.3.2 Critical Walls and Vertical Wall Segments Critical Walls with Integral Columns
7.3.3 Critical Slab-Column Connections
109 7.3.4 Critical Beam-Column Corner Connections
7.3.5 Discontinuous Columns
7.4 Calculate Global Seismic Drift Demand
110 7.5 Calculate Story Drift Demand
111 7.6 Calculate Drift Demands on Critical Components
7.6.1 Adjusted Drift Demand on Critical Components
112 7.6.2 Torsional Amplification Factor Calculation of the Maximum Torsional Amplification Factor Calculation of Torsional Ratio
113 Identification of Exceptionally High Seismic Risk Buildings based on the Torsional Ratio
7.6.3 Drift Factor Drift Factor for Columns
114 Drift Factor for Slab-Column Connections and Beam-Column Corner Connections Drift Factor for Vertical Wall Segments
7.7 Calculate Drift Capacity of Critical Components
7.7.1 Drift Capacity of Critical Columns
116 7.7.2 Drift Capacity of Critical Slab-Column Connections
117 7.7.3 Drift Capacity of Critical Beam-Column Corner Connections
7.7.4 Drift Capacity of Critical Walls and Vertical Wall Segments
119 Walls with Integral Columns or Boundary Elements
120 7.8 Determine Column and Wall Ratings
122 7.8.1 Discontinuous Columns
7.9 Determine Story Ratings
124 14-FEMA_P-2018_Ch8
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Identify Critical Stories
125 8.3 Identify Critical Components
8.3.1 Critical Walls and Vertical Wall Segments
126 8.3.2 Other Critical Components
8.4 Calculate Global Seismic Drift Demand
127 8.5 Calculate Story Drift Demand
128 8.6 Calculate Drift Demands on Critical Components
8.6.1 Adjusted Drift Demand on Critical Components
8.6.2 Torsional Amplification Factor
8.6.3 Drift Factor
129 8.7 Calculate Drift Capacity of Critical Components
8.7.1 Drift Capacity of Critical Walls and Vertical Wall Segments
131 Walls with Integral Columns or Boundary Elements
132 8.7.2 Drift Capacity of Other Critical Components
8.8 Determine Wall and Column Ratings
8.8.1 Determine Wall Ratings
8.8.2 Determine Column Ratings
8.9 Determine Story Ratings
134 15-FEMA_P-2018_Ch9
9.1 Introduction
135 9.2 Identify Critical Stories
9.3 Identify Critical Components
9.3.1 Critical Columns in Infilled Frame Systems
9.3.2 Other Critical Components
136 9.4 Calculate Global Seismic Drift Demand
137 9.5 Calculate Story Drift Demand
9.6 Calculate Drift Demands in Critical Components
9.6.1 Adjusted Drift Demand on Critical Components
138 9.6.2 Torsional Amplification Factor Calculation of Maximum Torsional Amplification Factor Calculation of Torsional Ratio
139 Identification of Exceptionally High Seismic Risk Buildings based on the Torsional Ratio
9.6.3 Drift Factor
140 Drift Factor for Infilled-Frame Columns Drift Factor for Other Components
9.7 Calculate Drift Capacity of Critical Components
9.7.1 Drift Capacity of Critical Columns in Infilled Frame Systems
142 9.7.2 Drift Capacity of Other Critical Components
9.7.3 Drift Capacity of Critical Walls and Vertical Wall Segments
143 9.8 Determine Column and Wall Ratings
9.8.1 Determine Ratings for Columns in Infilled Frame Systems
144 9.8.2 Determine Ratings for Other Critical Components
9.9 Determine Story Ratings
146 16-FEMA_P-2018_Ch10
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Determine Building Rating
10.3 Recommended Building Risk Levels
147 10.3.1 Exceptionally High Seismic Risk Buildings
10.3.2 High Seismic Risk Buildings
10.3.3 Lower Seismic Risk Buildings
148 17-FEMA_P-2018_AppA
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Column Plastic Rotation Capacity Determination
149 A.2.1 Plastic Rotation Capacities for Flexure-Critical Columns
A.2.2 Plastic Rotation Capacities for Flexure-Shear and Shear-Critical Columns
A.2.3 Bias in Plastic Rotation Capacity Predictions
151 A.2.4 Comparison of Plastic Rotation Capacity Prediction Methods
153 A.2.5 Uncertainty in Plastic Rotation Capacities
154 A.2.6 Elastic Component of Column Drift Capacity
A.2.7 Drift Capacity of Columns with Inadequate Lap Splices
A.3 Slab-Column Connection Drift Capacity Determination
157 18-FEMA_P-2018_AppB
B.1 Overview
B.2 Structural Reliability Methods for Computing the Column Rating
159 19-FEMA_P-2018_AppC
C.1 Overview
C.2 Probability Theory for Determining Probability of Story Collapse
160 C.3 Development of Story Ratings
162 20-FEMA_P-2018_AppD
D.1 Overview
163 D.2 Numerical Simulation
D.2.1 Buildings Analyzed
164 D.2.2 Modeling
165 D.2.3 Ground Motion Selection and Scaling
D.2.4 Collapse
166 D.2.5 Results
168 D.3 Analytical Investigation of WSI
170 D.4 Limitations
171 D.5 Conclusions
172 21-FEMA_P-2018_AppE
E.1 Overview
173 E.2 Modeling
E.3 Ground Motion Selection and Scaling
E.4 Collapse
E.5 Development of Criteria for Exceptionally Weak Frame Buildings
176 E.6 Investigation of Criteria for Exceptionally Weak Frame-Wall Buildings
178 22-FEMA_P-2018_AppF
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Performance of Connections with Discontinuous Beam Bottom Longitudinal Reinforcement
179 F.3 Strength of Joints in Beam-Column Connections without Joint Transverse Reinforcement
180 F.4 Effect of Joint Eccentricity on Joint and Column Behavior
182 F.5 Axial Failure of Beam-Column Connections
183 23-FEMA_P-2018_AppG
G.1 Frame Buildings
186 G.2 Frames with Deep Spandrels
G.3 Pier-Spandrel Systems
190 G.4 Wall and Frame-Wall Buildings
192 24-FEMA_P-2018_AppH
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Studies of the SDOF Drift Demand
H.2.1 Basic Procedure to Calculate SDOF Drift Demand
193 H.2.2 Comparison with Results of Nonlinear Response History Analyses
196 H.3 Studies of the Story Drift Demand
H.3.1 Basic Procedure to Calculate Story Drift Demand
H.3.2 Bare Frames
205 H.3.3 Frames and Walls
H.3.3.1 Case 1: Frame Plus One Continuous Wall
209 H.3.3.2 Case 2: Frame Plus Two Continuous Walls
210 H.3.4 Frames with Walls Discontinuous in the First Story
213 H.3.5 Frames with Walls Discontinuous in Upper Stories
218 H.3.6 Buildings with Shear-Critical Walls
220 H.3.6.1 Static Response: Pushover Analyses
222 H.3.6.1 Dynamic Response
229 25-FEMA_P-2018_AppI
I.1 Introduction
230 I.2 Identify Critical Stories
232 I.3 Simulation of Collapse of Torsionally-Sensitive Buildings
I.3.1 Buildings Analyzed
234 I.3.2 Modeling
235 I.3.3 Analysis Procedures
236 I.3.4 Detailed Results for Selected Buildings
237 I.3.5 Normalization of Results for Comparison between Buildings
238 I.4 Extreme Torsion
239 I.5 Neglecting Torsion
241 I.6 Torsional Amplification
I.6.1 Torsional Amplification Overview
I.6.2 Extraction of Torsional Amplification from Analytical Models
243 I.6.3 Torsional Amplification Results
244 I.6.4 Torsional Amplification Calculations in Each Column
I.7 Comparison of Results to Other Torsion Studies
246 26-FEMA_P-2018_AppJ
J.1 Overview
J.2 Drift Factor for Critical Columns
J.2.1 Buildings Analyzed
J.2.2 Results
248 J.3 Drift Factor for Critical Slab-Column Connections and Beam-Column Corner Connections
J.4 Drift Factor for Critical Wall and Wall Segments
249 27-FEMA_P-2018_AppK
K.1 Introduction
K.2 Nonlinear Static Analysis
K.3 Incremental Dynamic Analysis
252 K.4 Dynamic Analyses with Hazard-Consistent Ground Motions
257 K.5 Dynamic Analyses for Torsion Studies
259 28-FEMA_P-2018_AppL
L.1 Introduction
L.2 Bare Frames Models
260 L.2.1 Building with Flexure-Controlled Columns
261 L.2.2 Building with Shear-Critical Columns
L.3 Modeling Criteria of Frame-Wall Systems
262 L.3.1 Frame-Wall Definition
263 L.3.2 Wall Modeling Approach for Frame-Wall Systems
269 L.3.3 Frame Modeling Approach for Frame-Wall Systems
270 29-FEMA_P-2018_AppM
M.1 Column Shear Strength Equation
271 30-FEMA_P-2018_AppN
N.1 Introduction
N.2 Expected Wall Behavior and Failure Mode
273 N.3 Drift Capacity of Poorly Detailed Flexure-Controlled Walls
276 N.4 Drift Capacity of Shear-Controlled Walls/Piers
279 N.5 Drift Capacity of Walls with Inadequate Lap Splices
N.6 Drift Capacity of Walls with L-Shaped, T-Shaped, and Half-Barbell Cross-Sections
280 N.7 Drift Capacity of Walls Spirally Reinforced Columns at the Boundary Regions
281 N.7.1 Flexure-Controlled Walls with Spirally Reinforced Columns
N.7.2 Shear-Controlled Walls with Spirally Reinforced Columns
284 31-FEMA_P-2018_AppO
O.1 Introduction
285 O.2 Simulation of Collapse of Buildings Infilled with Solid Infills
O.2.1 Details of the Prototype Buildings
287 O.2.2 Development of Numerical Models
289 O.2.3 Nonlinear Time-History Analyses
290 O.2.4 Detailed Results for Prototype Buildings
292 O.3 Calculation of Strength of Infilled Frame Buildings
O.3.1 Default Material Properties
293 O.3.2 Plastic Mechanism of Infilled Frames
O.3.3 Column Effective Length
295 O.3.4 Classification of Infilled Frames based on Failure Mechanism
296 O.3.5 Strength of Single Infilled Bay with Solid Panel
298 O.3.6 Strength of Single Infilled Bay with Openings
302 O.3.7 When to Ignore Infills in Strength?
304 O.3.8 Calculation of Story-Shear Strength
306 O.4 Estimation of Effective Periods
307 O.5 Determination of Story-Drifts
308 O.6 Impact of Infill on Column Ratings
310 33-FEMA_P-2018_Symbols
318 34-FEMA_P-2018_References
331 35-FEMA_P-2018_Participants
FEMA Emergency Management Agency
Applied Technology Council
Project Technical Committee
Project Review Panel
332 Working Group Members
333 Trial Evaluation Participants
334 36-FEMAP-2018_BackCover
FEMA P 2018SeismicEvalOlderConcreteBuildings 2018