IEEE 1076c 2007
IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual – Procedural Language Application Interface
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
IEEE | 2007 | 226 |
– Inactive – Superseded. The scope of the proposed project is to amend the existing IEEE 1076-2002 (VHDL) standard by adding a simulation runtime application interface (VHDL Programming Interface or VHPI). Remarks: Amendment to IEEE Std 1076-2002
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | IEEE Std 1076-2007 Front Cover |
3 | IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual—Amendment 1: Procedural Lanugage Application Interface |
4 | Abstract/Keywords |
6 | Introduction/Disclaimer |
7 | Participants |
9 | Contents |
13 | 0. Overview of this standard 0.2 Structure and terminology of this standard |
15 | 1. Design entities and configurations 1.2 Architecture bodies |
17 | 2. Subprograms and packages 2.1 Subprogram declarations |
19 | 5. Specifications 5.1 Attribute specification |
21 | 6. Names 6.3 Selected names |
23 | 8. Sequential statements 8.5 Variable assignment statement |
25 | 9. Concurrent statements 9.6 Component instantiation statements |
29 | 10. Scope and visibility 10.1 Declarative region 10.2 Scope of declarations |
30 | 10.3 Visibility |
31 | 12. Elaboration and execution 12.1 Elaboration of a design hierarchy 12.3 Elaboration of a declarative part 12.4 Elaboration of a statement part |
32 | 12.5 Dynamic elaboration 12.6 Execution of a model |
43 | 15. VHDL Procedural Interface overview 15.1 Organization of the interface |
44 | 15.2 Capability sets |
46 | 15.3 Handles |
49 | 16. VHPI access functions 16.1 Information access functions |
51 | 16.2 Property access functions |
52 | 16.3 Access by name functions |
53 | 17. VHPI information model 17.1 Formal notation |
54 | 17.2 Class inheritance hierarchy 17.3 Name properties |
68 | 17.4 The stdUninstantiated package |
71 | 17.5 The stdHierarchy package |
80 | 17.6 The stdTypes package |
82 | 17.7 The stdExpr package |
86 | 17.8 The stdSpec package |
88 | 17.9 The stdSubprograms package |
90 | 17.10 The stdStmts package |
96 | 17.11 The stdConnectivity package |
100 | 17.12 The stdCallbacks package 17.13 The stdEngine package |
101 | 17.14 The stdForeign package 17.15 The stdMeta package |
103 | 17.16 The stdTool package |
104 | 17.17 Application contexts |
105 | 18. VHPI tool execution 18.1 Registration phase |
111 | 18.2 Analysis phase 18.3 Elaboration phase |
113 | 18.4 Initialization phase 18.5 Simulation phase 18.6 Save phase |
114 | 18.7 Restart phase 18.8 Reset phase |
115 | 18.9 Termination phase |
117 | 19. VHPI callbacks 19.1 Callback functions |
118 | 19.2 Callback reasons |
131 | 20. VHPI value access and update 20.1 Value structures and types |
135 | 20.2 Reading object values |
136 | 20.3 Formatting values |
137 | 20.4 Updating object values |
141 | 20.5 Scheduling transactions on drivers |
145 | 21. VHPI function reference 21.1 vhpi_assert |
146 | 21.2 vhpi_check_error |
148 | 21.3 vhpi_compare_handles |
149 | 21.4 vhpi_control |
151 | 21.5 vhpi_create |
153 | 21.6 vhpi_disable_cb 21.7 vhpi_enable_cb |
154 | 21.8 vhpi_format_value |
156 | 21.9 vhpi_get 21.10 vhpi_get_cb_info |
157 | 21.11 vhpi_get_data |
159 | 21.12 vhpi_get_foreignf_info |
160 | 21.13 vhpi_get_next_time |
161 | 21.14 vhpi_get_phys |
162 | 21.15 vhpi_get_real 21.16 vhpi_get_str |
163 | 21.17 vhpi_get_time |
164 | 21.18 vhpi_get_value |
165 | 21.19 vhpi_handle |
166 | 21.20 vhpi_handle_by_index |
168 | 21.21 vhpi_handle_by_name |
171 | 21.22 vhpi_is_printable 21.23 vhpi_iterator |
172 | 21.24 vhpi_printf |
173 | 21.25 vhpi_protected_call |
175 | 21.26 vhpi_put_data |
177 | 21.27 vhpi_put_value |
178 | 21.28 vhpi_register_cb |
180 | 21.29 vhpi_register_foreignf |
181 | 21.30 vhpi_release_handle |
182 | 21.31 vhpi_remove_cb 21.32 vhpi_scan |
183 | 21.33 vhpi_schedule_transaction |
187 | 21.34 vhpi_vprintf |
189 | Annex B (informative) Glossary |
195 | Annex F (informative) Bibliography |
197 | Annex G (normative) VHPI header file |
223 | Annex H (informative) Description of accompanying files |