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MD BaltimoreCity 2 N/A


Building, Fire, and Related Codes of Baltimore City (As Last Amended By Ord. 12-012)

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
MD N/A 302
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PDF Pages PDF Title
3 Introductory Notes
5 Table of Parts, Chapters
11 Table of Sections
25 Pt I. Md Bldg Prfmnc Stndrds
27 Pt II. Building Code
Ch 1. Administration
Sec. 101 General
29 Sec. 102 Applicability
32 Sec. 103 Dep’t of Bldg. Safety
Sec. 104 Bldg. Off’l’s Powers, Duties
36 Sec. 105 Permits
42 Sec. 106 Floor, Roof Design Loads
43 Sec. 107 Submittal Documents
Sec. 108 Temporary Structures, Uses
44 Sec. 109 Fees
59 Sec. 110 Inspections
Sec. 111 Occupancy Permit; Cert. of Completion
Sec. 112 Service Utilities
Sec. 114 Violations
66 Sec. 115 Stop-Work Orders
Sec. 116 Unsafe Structures
69 Sec. 117 Emergency & Corrective Measures
70 Sec. 118 Liability for Expenses; Collections
71 Sec. 120 Condemnation Proceedings
73 Sec. 121 Vacant Building Receiver
76 Sec. 123 Notices
79 Sec. 124 Violation Reports
Sec. 128 Administrative, Judicial Review
82 Ch 2. Definitions
87 Ch 3. Use & Occupancy Classification
90 Ch 4. Special Req’ts for U&O
96 Ch 5. Gen’l Bldg Hghts, Areas
Ch 6. Types of Construction
97 Ch 7. Fire-Resistant-Rated
98 Ch 8. Interior Finishes
Ch 9. Fire Protection Systems
100 Ch 10. Means of Egress
101 Ch 11. Accessibility
Ch 12. Interior Environment
104 Ch 13. Energy Efficiency
Ch 14. Exterior Walls
105 Ch 15. Roof Assemblies, etc.
108 Ch 16. Structural Design
109 Ch 17. Structural Tests, etc.
Ch 18. Soils & Foundations
112 Ch 19. Concrete
Ch 20. Aluminum
Ch 21. Masonry
113 Ch 22. Steel
Ch 23. Wood
Ch 24. Glass & Glazing
Ch 25. Gypsum Board, etc.
114 Ch 26. Plastic
115 Ch 27. Electrical
118 Ch 28. Mechanical
120 Ch 29. Plumbing
122 Ch 30. Elevators, etc.
123 Ch 31. Special Construction
128 Ch 32. Encroachments
130 Ch 33. Safeguards
137 Ch 34. Existing Structures
Ch 35. Standards
138 Ch. 36. Visitability
141 Ch. 37. “Green Buildings”
146 Ch. 38. Traffic Impact & Mitigation
163 Appendices
169 Pt III. Electrical Code
170 Ch 1. General
172 Ch 2. Wiring & Protection
176 Ch 3. Wiring Methods & Materials
178 Ch 4. Equipment for Gen’l Use
179 Ch 5. Special Occupancies
180 Ch 6. Special Equipment
182 Ch 7. Special Conditions
183 Ch 8. Communications Systems
Ch 9. Tables
185 Pt IV. Fuel Gas Code
Ch 1. Administration
Ch 2. Referenced Publications
186 Ch 3. Definitions
Ch 4. General
187 Ch 5. System Design, etc.
Ch 6. Pipe Sizing
188 Ch 7. Piping Installation
189 Ch 8. Inspection, etc.
Ch 9. Appliance, etc., Installation
190 Ch 10. Installation, Special Appliances
191 Ch 11. Placing in Operation
Ch 12. Venting Appliances
Ch 13. Sizing Category I Venting
193 Pt V. Mechanical Code
Ch 1. Administration
195 Ch 2. Definitions
196 Ch 3. Gen’l Regulations
197 Ch 4. Ventilation
198 Ch 5. Exhaust Systems
199 Ch 6. Duct Systems
Ch 7. Combustion Air
200 Ch 8. Chimneys & Vents
Ch 9. Specific Appliances, etc.
201 Ch 10. Boilers, Water Heaters, etc.
Ch 11. Refrigeration
Ch 12. Hydronic Piping
Ch 13. Fuel Oil Piping, etc.
202 Ch 14. Solar Systems
Ch 15. Standards
203 Pt VI. Plumbing Code
204 Basic Principles
205 Ch 1. Definitions
206 Ch 2. Gen’l Regulations
208 Ch 3. Materials
Ch 4. Joints & Connections
209 Ch 5. Traps, Cleanouts, etc.
211 Ch 6. Liquid Waste Treatment
213 Ch 7. Fixtures, Fittings, Appliances
Ch 8. Hangers & Supports
214 Ch 9. Indirect Waste Piping, etc.
215 Ch 10. Water Supply & Distribution
217 Ch 11. Sanitary Drainage
218 Ch 12. Vents & Venting
219 Ch 13. Storm Water Drainage
220 Ch 14. Health Care Facilities
Ch 15. Tests & Maintenance
221 Ch 16. Sewage Disposal, etc.
Ch 17. Potable Water Supply
Ch 18. Mobile Homes, etc.
Ch 19. Gas Appliances, Piping
Ch 20. Subdivision of Land
223 Pt VII. Property Maintenance Code
Ch 1. Administration
Sec. 101 General
Sec. 102 Applicability
224 Sec. 103 Dep’t of … Inspection
225 Sec. 104 Code Off’l’s Powers, Duties
Sec. 105 Approval
226 Sec. 106 Violations
Sec. 107 Notices and Orders
227 Sec. 108 Unsafe Structures, Equipment
Sec. 109 Emergency Measures
Sec. 110 Demolition
Sec. 111 Administrative, Judicial Review
229 Ch 2. Definitions
232 Ch 3. Gen’l Requirements
Sec. 301 General
234 Sec. 304 Repair, Maintenance
236 Sec. 305 Exterior Sanitary Maintenance – Gen’l
238 Sec. 306 Same – Trash, Garbage, etc.
239 Sec. 307 Interior Sanitary Maintenance
240 Sec. 308 Occupants’ Sanitary Responsibilities
241 Ch 4. Light, Ventilation, Occupancy
243 Ch 5. Plumbing
246 Ch 6. Mechanical & Electrical
249 Ch 7. Fire Safety
250 Ch 8. Standards
251 Pt VIII. Fire Code
Ch 1. Administration
Sec. 101 General
252 Sec. 102 Applicability
Sec. 104 Gen’l Authority, Repsonsibilities
254 Sec. 105 Permits
255 Sec. 106 Inspections
Sec. 107 Maintenance
Sec. 108 Appeals
256 Sec. 109 Violations
257 Sec. 110 Unsafe Buildings
258 Sec. 114 Emergency Measures
Sec. 115 Costs
Ch 2. Definitions
259 Ch 3. Gen’l Precautions
260 Ch 4. Emergency Planning
262 Ch 5. Fire Service Features
263 Ch 6. Bldg Services & Systems
264 Ch 7. Fire-Resistance-Rated
Ch 8. Interior Finish, etc.
265 Ch 9. Fire Protection Systems
267 Ch 10. Means of Egress
Ch 11. Aviation Facilities
Ch 12. Dry Cleaning
Ch 13. Dust-Producing Operations
268 Ch 14. Construction & Demolition
Ch 15. Flammable Finishes
Ch 16. Fruit & Crop Ripening
269 Ch 17. Fumigation, etc.
Ch 18. Semiconductor Fabrication
Ch 19. Lumber Yards, etc.
Ch 20. Organic Coatings
Ch 21. Industrial Ovens
Ch 22. Service Stations, etc.
Ch 23. High-Piled Storage
270 Ch 24. Tents, etc.
Ch 25. Tire Rebuilding, Storage
Ch 26. Welding, etc.
Ch 27. Hazmats – Gen’l
Ch 28. Aerosols
Ch 29. Combustible Fibers
Ch 30. Compressed Gases
Ch 31. Corrosives
Ch 32. Cryogenic Fluids
271 Ch 33. Explosives & Fireworks
Ch 34. Flammable, Combustible Liquids
Ch 35. Flammable Gases
Ch 36. Flammable Solids
Ch 37. Toxic Materials
Ch 38. LPGs
Ch 39. Organic Peroxides
Ch 40. Oxidizers
Ch 41. Pyrophoric Materials
272 Ch 42. Pyroxylin Plastics
Ch 43. Unstable Materials
Ch 44. Water-Reactive Solids & Liquids
Ch 45. Marinas
273 Pt IX. Energy Conservation Code
Ch 1. Administration
274 Ch 2. Definitions
Ch 3. Climate Zones
Ch 4. Residential Efficiency
Ch 5. Commercial Efficiency
275 Ch 6. Standards
277 Pt X. Residential Code
Part I. Administration
282 Part II. Definitions
283 Part III. Building Planning
287 Part IV. Energy Efficiency
288 Part V. Mechanical
293 Part VI. Fuel Gas
294 Part VII. Plumbing
295 Part VIII. Electrical
300 Part IX. Standards
301 Appendices
MD BaltimoreCity 2 N/A