75.180.01 – Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:28:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 75.180.01 – Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 ISO/TS 16901:2015 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-169012015/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:28:10 +0000 Guidance on performing risk assessment in the design of onshore LNG installations including the ship/shore interface
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2015-03 66
ISO/TS 16901:2015 provides a common approach and guidance to those undertaking assessment of the major safety hazards as part of the planning, design, and operation of LNG facilities onshore and at shoreline using risk-based methods and standards, to enable a safe design and operation of LNG facilities. The environmental risks associated with an LNG release are not addressed in this Technical Specification.

ISO/TR 12489:2013 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-tr-124892013/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:10:08 +0000 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Reliability modelling and calculation of safety systems
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2013-11 264
ISO/TR 12489:2013 aims to close the gap between the state-of-the-art and the application of probabilistic calculations for the safety systems of the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. It provides guidelines for reliability and safety system analysts and the oil and gas industries.

The elementary approaches (e.g. PHA, HAZID, HAZOP, FMECA) are out of the scope of ISO/TR 12489:2013. Yet they are of utmost importance as their results provide the input information essential to properly undertake the implementation of the approaches described in ISO/TR 12489:2013: analytical formulae, Boolean approaches (reliability block diagrams, fault trees, event trees, etc.), Markov graphs and Petri nets.

ISO/TR 12489:2013 is focused on probabilistic calculations of random failures and, therefore, the non-random failures are out of the scope even if, to some extent, they are partly included into the reliability data collected from the field.

ISO 23936-1:2009 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23936-12009/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:45:05 +0000 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production — Part 1: Thermoplastics
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2009-04 34
ISO 23936 as a whole presents general principles and gives requirements and recommendations for the selection and qualification, and gives guidance for the quality assurance, of non-metallic materials for service in equipment used in oil and gas production environments, where the failure of such equipment could pose a risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel or to the environment. It can be applied to help to avoid costly corrosion failures of the equipment itself. It supplements, but does not replace, the material requirements given in the appropriate design codes, standards or regulations.

ISO 23936-1:2009 addresses the resistance of thermoplastics to the deterioration in properties that can be caused by physical or chemical interaction with produced and injected oil and gas-field media, and with production and chemical treatment. Interaction with sunlight is included; however, ionizing radiation is excluded from the scope of ISO 23936-1:2009.

ISO 23936-1:2009 is not necessarily suitable for application to equipment used in refining or downstream processes and equipment.

The equipment considered includes, but is not limited to, non-metallic pipelines, piping, liners, seals, gaskets and washers.

ISO 23936-2:2011 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23936-22011/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:45:05 +0000 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Non-metallic materials in contact with media related to oil and gas production — Part 2: Elastomers
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2011-12 74
ISO 23936 describes general principles and gives requirements and recommendations for the selection and qualification of non-metallic materials for service in equipment used in oil and gas production environments, where the failure of such equipment could pose a risk to the health and safety of the public and personnel, or to the environment. It can be applied to help avoid failures of the equipment itself. It supplements, but does not replace, the material requirements given in the appropriate design codes, standards or regulations.

ISO 23936-2:2011 describes the requirements and procedures for qualification of elastomeric material used in equipment for oil and gas production.

ISO 21457:2010 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-214572010/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:28:33 +0000 Industries du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et du gaz naturel — Choix des matériaux et contrôle de la corrosion pour les systèmes de production de pétrole et de gaz
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2010-09 52
L'ISO 21457:2010 identifie les mécanismes et paramètres de corrosion à prendre en compte pour l'évaluation au moment de la sélection des matériaux pour les conduites, tuyauteries et équipements relatifs au transport et au traitement de la production d'hydrocarbures, y compris les systèmes auxiliaires et les systèmes d'injection. Sont également compris tous les équipements allant de la tête du puits, incluse, aux conduites, inclus, pour les produits stabilisés. L'ISO 21457:2010 ne s'applique pas aux composants de fond.

Des lignes directrices sont fournies pour

  • l'évaluation de la corrosion,
  • la sélection des matériaux pour des applications et/ou des systèmes spécifiques,
  • les limitations de performance pour des matériaux spécifiques,
  • le contrôle de la corrosion.

L'ISO 21457:2010 se réfère à des matériaux habituellement présents sur le marché, dotés de propriétés connues et documentées. Elle autorise également l'évaluation d'autres matériaux pour les qualifier à des fins d'utilisation.

L'ISO 21457:2010 ne fournit ni exigence ni ligne directrice détaillée relative à des matériaux utilisés dans la fabrication et les essais des équipements. Ce type d'information peut être trouvé dans les normes relatives à un produit en particulier ainsi que dans les normes de fabrication.

ISO 20815:2008 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-208152008/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:23:46 +0000 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Production assurance and reliability management
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2008-06 72
ISO 20815:2008 introduces the concept of production assurance within the systems and operations associated with exploration drilling, exploitation, processing and transport of petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas resources. ISO 20815:2008 covers upstream (including subsea), midstream and downstream facilities and activities. It focuses on production assurance of oil and gas production, processing and associated activities and covers the analysis of reliability and maintenance of the components.

ISO 20815:2008 provides processes and activities, requirements and guidelines for systematic management, effective planning, execution and use of production assurance and reliability technology. This is to achieve cost-effective solutions over the life cycle of an asset-development project structured around the following main elements: production-assurance management for optimum economy of the facility through all of its life-cycle phases, while also considering constraints arising from health, safety, environment, quality and human factors; planning, execution and implementation of reliability technology; application of reliability and maintenance data; and reliability-based design and operation improvement.

For standards on equipment reliability and maintenance performance in general, see the IEC 60300-3 series.

ISO 20815:2008 designates 12 processes, of which seven are defined as core production-assurance processes and addressed in ISO 20815:2008. The remaining five processes are denoted as interacting processes and are outside the scope of ISO 20815:2008. The interaction of the core production-assurance processes with these interacting processes, however, is within the scope of ISO 20815:2008 as the information flow to and from these latter processes is required to ensure that production-assurance requirements can be fulfilled.

ISO 20815:2008 recommends that the listed processes and activities be initiated only if they can be considered to add value.

The only requirements mandated by ISO 20815:2008 are the establishment and execution of the production-assurance programme (PAP).

ISO 20815:2018 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-208152018/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:23:46 +0000 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries — Production assurance and reliability management
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2018-10 106
This document describes the concept of production assurance within the systems and operations associated with exploration drilling, exploitation, processing and transport of petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas resources. This document covers upstream (including subsea), midstream and downstream facilities, petrochemical and associated activities. It focuses on production assurance of oil and gas production, processing and associated activities and covers the analysis of reliability and maintenance of the components. This includes a variety of business categories and associated systems/equipment in the oil and gas value chain. Production assurance addresses not only hydrocarbon production, but also associated activities such as drilling, pipeline installation and subsea intervention.

This document provides processes and activities, requirements and guidelines for systematic management, effective planning, execution and use of production assurance and reliability technology. This is to achieve cost-effective solutions over the life cycle of an asset development project structured around the following main elements:

— production assurance management for optimum economy of the facility through all of its life cycle phases, while also considering constraints arising from health, safety, environment, and quality;

— planning, execution and implementation of reliability technology;

— application of reliability and maintenance data;

— reliability-based technology development, design and operational improvement.

The IEC 60300-3 series addresses equipment reliability and maintenance performance in general.

This document designates 12 processes, of which seven are defined as core production assurance processes and addressed in this document. The remaining five processes are denoted as interacting processes and are outside the scope of this document. The interaction of the core production assurance processes with these interacting processes, however, is within the scope of this document as the information flow to and from these latter processes is required to ensure that production assurance requirements can be fulfilled.

The only requirement mandated by this document is the establishment and execution of the production assurance programme (PAP). It is important to reflect the PAP in the overall project management in the project for which it applies.

This document recommends that the listed processes and activities be initiated only if they can be considered to add value.

ISO 17781:2017 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-177812017/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:02:45 +0000 Industries du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et du gaz naturel — Méthodes d'essai pour le contrôle de la qualité de la microstructure des aciers inoxydables austénitiques/ferritiques (duplex)
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2017-07 28
ISO 17781:2017 spécifie les méthodes et les conditions d'essai de contrôle de la qualité pour caractériser la microstructure par rapport aux propriétés pertinentes des composants en acier inoxydable ferritique/austénitique (duplex) fournis à l'état recuit et les soudures de fabrication à l'état brut de soudage.

ISO 17781:2017 complète les normes de fabrication du produit concerné par rapport aux méthodes d'essais destructifs, y compris le prélèvement des éprouvettes, les conditions d'essai et les critères d'acceptation des essais, pour démontrer l'absence de phases intermétalliques préjudiciables et de précipités dans les aciers inoxydables duplex. De plus, le présent document précise la documentation des essais et des résultats des essais par le laboratoire d'essai.

NOTE 1 Le présent document se fonde sur l'expérience acquise avec des aciers inoxydables duplex dans des applications de plates-formes d'extraction en mer de pétrole et de gaz, y compris dans le cadre d'un fonctionnement en milieu hydrocarbure sous-marin ou en surface ou en service dans l'eau de mer ou pour une utilisation structurelle.

NOTE 2 L'espacement austénitique est pertinent pour la sensibilité des aciers inoxydables duplex à la fissuration par contrainte induite par l'hydrogène (HISC) dans les applications sous-marines en présence d'une protection cathodique. Cela ne relève pas du domaine d'application du présent document. Cela relève du domaine d'application du DNV/GL RP-F112[4].

ISO 17348:2016 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-173482016/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:59:13 +0000 Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Choix des matériaux pour tubes de cuvelage et de production et équipements de fond en environnement à haute teneur en CO2
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2016-02 24
L'ISO 17248:2016 fournit des lignes directrices et des exigences pour le choix des matériaux employés pour les tubes de cuvelage et de production et les équipements de fond des puits d'injection de CO2 et des puits de production de gaz dans des environnements à haute pression et haute teneur en CO2 [concentration (molaire) de CO2 supérieure à 10 % et pression partielle de CO2 supérieure à 1 MPa]. Les puits de production de pétrole ne sont pas couverts par la présente Norme internationale. L'ISO 17248:2016 concerne uniquement la comptabilité des matériaux avec l'environnement.

Des lignes directrices sont fournies pour:

– l'évaluation de la corrosion;

– le choix des matériaux;

– le contrôle de la corrosion.

L'ISO 17248:2016 concerne les puits à haute teneur en CO2 dans lesquels la menace d'un faible pH et d'une corrosion par le CO2 est la plus élevée. Néanmoins, de nombreux aspects sont également applicables à des environnements contenant de plus faibles concentrations en CO2.

Le choix des matériaux est influencé par de nombreux facteurs et synergies et il convient qu'il soit effectué par un ingénieur en matériaux ou en corrosion.

ISO 16904:2016 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-169042016/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:55:35 +0000 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Design and testing of LNG marine transfer arms for conventional onshore terminals
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2016-02 74
ISO 16904:2016 specifies the design, minimum safety requirements and inspection and testing procedures for liquefied natural gas (LNG) marine transfer arms intended for use on conventional onshore LNG terminals, handling LNG carriers engaged in international trade. It can provide guidance for offshore and coastal operations. It also covers the minimum requirements for safe LNG transfer between ship and shore.

Although the requirements for power/control systems are covered, this International Standard does not include all the details for the design and fabrication of standard parts and fittings associated with transfer arms.

ISO 16904:2016 is supplementary to local or national standards and regulations and is additional to the requirements of ISO 28460.

ISO 16904:2016 needs not be applied to existing facilities.
