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ASCE Book RaisetheBar 2013


Raise the Bar: Strengthening the Civil Engineering Profession

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ASCE 2013 279
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“Raise the Bar: Strengthening the Civil Engineering Profession provides engineering educators and practitioners with a synopsis of the initiative to redefine the preparation of the engineer of the 21st century. Since 1998, the American Society of Civil Engineers has articulated the position that, in the future, education beyond the baccalaureate degree would be necessary for entry into the professional practice of civil engineering. Through a variety of efforts, including the development and implementation of a civil engineering Body of Knowledge, changes in accreditation criteria, and modification of state laws for licensure, ASCE has been a leading advocate in changing the way we prepare today’s engineering students to be tomorrow’s civil engineers. This collection contains 10 papers recording the history and evaluating the effectiveness of ASCE’s Raise the Bar initiative. These papers include current and accurate information about the broad areas of professionalism, the Body of Knowledge, curricula and experiential development, accreditation, and licensing. They provide a foundation for future efforts to change the education and practice of civil engineering. Collectively, they offer an integrated and holistic perspective on the Raise the Bar initiative. This volume is a handy reference for engineering educators, students, practitioners concerned about the future of the civil engineering profession, and state licensing officials.”

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Cover
4 Contents
6 Preface
10 1. A Historical Overview
82 2. Sociology of Professions: Application to the Civil Engineering “Raise the Bar” Initiative
94 3. Civil Engineering in 2025: The Vision and How It Was Developed
108 4. The New and Improved Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge
126 5. Revising Accreditation Criteria
148 6. Response of Three Curricula to ASCE’s Educational Recommendations
174 7. Strengthening Experiential Guidelines
194 8. Modifying the Model Laws and Rules for Engineering Licensure
216 9. To Raise the Bar or Not: Addressing the Opposition
240 10. Leadership Lessons Learned in Raising the Bar
256 About the Contributors
274 Index
275 D
276 G
277 N
278 T
279 W
ASCE Book RaisetheBar 2013