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BS IEC SRD 63234-2:2020


Economic evaluation of active assisted living services – Example of use. Monitoring patients with chronic diseases

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2020 26
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IEC SRD 63234-1:2020 provides a descriptive framework and template for the economic evaluation of the implementation of technology-supported home healthcare, wellness or AAL services. IEC SRD 63234-2:2020 provides an example of the use of the framework, specifically analysis and economic evaluation of the implementation of technology-supported, remote, in-home monitoring of patients (AAL care recipients) with chronic diseases. This analysis is completed from the point of view of the healthcare system/services funder (e.g. the government in a state-sponsored healthcare system or possibly a health management/health insurance company in a privately funded system). This document is structured like IEC SRD 63234-1:2020, to provide a means of capturing data for the Reference Scenario (the current means of providing care, also known as ‘usual care’, to the target population of members of the population with one or more chronic diseases living at home), compared against an Alternate Scenario (the deployment of an AAL service which provides remote patient monitoring). Standard economic measures have been estimated (using an electronic spreadsheet) including Return on Investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), and Payback Period of the investment.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
10 3.2 Abbreviated terms
11 4 General
4.1 Document objective
4.2 Economic evaluation process overview
4.2.1 Alternate versus Reference Scenario
4.2.2 Time period for analysis
4.2.3 The cost of money
4.2.4 The economic or financial indicators
12 4.2.5 Multiple Alternate Scenarios
4.2.6 Risks and critical success factors
4.3 Document structure – the example
5 Overview of the analysis and results of a remote patient monitoring service
Table 1 – Overview of the remote patient monitoring AAL Service
14 6 Description of the AAL Service or Intervention
Table 2 – Description of the AAL Service
16 7 The non-financial benefits of the AAL service
7.1 Overview
7.2 Improving the health of the population
17 7.3 Improving the patient experience with healthcare
7.4 Improving the work life of healthcare workers
8 The financial/sustainability analysis
8.1 The financial analysis cost data
18 8.2 Reference Scenario costs
8.3 Intervention/Alternate Scenario implementation costs
Table 3 – Reference Scenario healthcare costs
19 8.4 Intervention/Alternate Scenario health system costs
Table 4 – Alternate Scenario AAL service implementation costs
20 9 Cashflow analysis and calculating the financial indicators
9.1 Cash flow analysis: Alternate Scenario A – Ramp up to 10 000 patients
Table 5 – Alternate Scenario health system costs
21 9.2 Financial indicators for Alternate Scenario A
Figure 1 – Cash flow analysis table Alternate Scenario A
22 9.3 Cash flow analysis: Alternate Scenario B – Ramp up to 100 000 patients
Figure 2 – Cash flow analysis table Alternate Scenario B
Table 6 – Financial indicators Alternate Scenario A
23 9.4 Financial indicators for Alternate Scenario B
10 Identifying risks and critical success factors
Table 7 – Financial indicators Alternate Scenario B
24 11 Conclusions and recommendations
11.1 Conclusions
11.2 Recommendations
25 Bibliography
BS IEC SRD 63234-2:2020